How to get the body you want. (Big news.)

Healthy habits are more important now than ever. If you’re ready to take control of your health and experience the transformation you’ve always wanted, you’re in the right place. 
The goal is simple: Help you get into your best shape ever—and give you the habits, skills, and tools to stay that way… no matter what’s going on around you.

Ready to become your fittest, strongest, healthiest self? The time is now.

On Friday June 12th, 2020 we’re opening registration for the next Soul Spark Nutrition Coaching program for men and women.
As a client, you’ll get a personal coach from our world-class coaching team and, with their support, you’ll learn how to:
  • Eat better, without dieting or feeling deprived.
  • Get active, no matter what shape you’re in now.
  • Ditch the food rules, dropping the fad diets and conflicting advice.
  • Build fitness into your life, without it taking over.
  • Achieve, and maintain, your goals, even when life feels unpredictable.
The result? You’ll:
  • Lose the weight/fat you haven’t been able to shed for years.
  • Build physical strength and confidence in your body.
  • Gain mental confidence, no longer hiding your gifts and talents.
  • Let go of food confusion, learn what to do, how to do it.
  • Experience the peace of mind that comes with a clean bill of health.
Just think about it. Imagine a life where you…
…feel physically and mentally strong, capable of taking on any challenge without worrying that your energy levels or body weight will get in the way.
…can run around with your kids, or grandkids, without feeling pain, winded, or tired; and you can do it again the next day.
…look forward to having your picture taken without wondering “who’s that person, and when did they start looking like that?”
…feel like food is your friend, not your enemy, and never diet again.
And here’s some really exciting news.
We’ll continue to offer the program at the lowest price ever ($129 per month), and we’ll continue to find fun and inspiring ways to celebrate clients who experience the biggest transformations—physical, mental, and more.

Will SoulSpark Fitness & Nutrition work for you?

Yes, and here’s why.
We don’t prescribe short-term diets, meal plans, or “food rules.” Instead, we help you build the lasting skills and habits necessary to look and feel better—for the long term. For life.
Here’s what you can expect from SoulSpark Fitness & Nutrition Coaching:
A program that fits your body—and your life: 1 - 12 months of personal coaching.
You tell us what you want to do. We’ll help you do it. First, your coach will learn about your lifestyle, needs, and specific goals. Need to exercise at home? We’ve got you covered (even if you have limited or no equipment). Dealing with extra stress? We’ll help you adapt. Bottom line: We’ll help you become the healthiest, fittest, strongest version of yourself… no matter what’s going on around you.
Achieve your goals… even when life gets crazy: Simple daily practices.
We break your big goals down into small daily practices that add up to massive changes. Then, over the course of 1-12 months, You’ll develop healthy habits that become second nature and last a lifetime. Plus, our entire coaching program is delivered online. Which means you can access our easy-to-use online platform and connect directly with your coach from any digital device.
Get the support you deserve: Professional coach and community.
We pair you with a world-class coach, who’s there to remove the guesswork and provide the accountability, direction, and support you need every step of the way. Yes, that’s right—a real coach (not a robot) to help you get the changes you want. And with their help, you’ll stay consistent no matter what life throws at you. Additionally, you’ll be able to connect with your Coach through coaching calls and a private Facebook group. Their shared knowledge, experiences, inspiration, and support can help you go much further than you could on your own.
The result: Build healthy habits that last a lifetime.
Our “deep health” coaching method does more than just teach you how to exercise and eat better. You’ll also develop the mental and emotional skills you need to experience the confidence and freedom a healthy lifestyle has to offer.
Just take a look at a few of our clients.
Like Carm, an artist and designer. Through Nutrition Coaching he became the ‘fit guy’ he never thought he could be. Now he takes his teenage boys hiking and camping and they struggle to keep up.

We do health and fitness in a way that fits your life. (Instead of the other way around.)

We know: Life can get crazy.
Work, children, aging parents, running a household, and all the surprises life can throw at us. It never stops being complicated or busy.
That’s why we do something very different.
We show you how to make health and fitness a part of your life, no matter what else is going on.
We often say that your program should be designed for your absolute worst days—not just your best days.
You know the days we’re talking about… you’re low energy, nothing goes your way, your partner (or children) aren’t pleased when you get home, and you have a million other things to do than spend 2 hours working out and cooking organic meals.
Normal fitness plans tell you to just tough it out.
You’ve gotta want it badly enough.
If you’re aren’t willing to put in the work, you don’t deserve the results.
That’s just silly, and it’s not reality. Which is why we work closely with our clients to help them eat well and exercise no matter what’s going on in their lives.
We’ll bring the accountability it takes for you to stay consistent. We’ll review your progress, answer questions, and make recommendations to help you improve. We’ll tap you on the shoulder if you start to regress. And we’ll help you get past each hurdle along the way.
The result? You’ll get into the best shape of your life within 12 months. 
And you’ll have the habits, skills, and tools to stay that way for life.
Now, there is a catch.
Good news: If SoulSpark Fitness & Nutrition Coaching is right for you, it can be life-changing.
Bad news: But because of high demand, the program usually sells out within hours.
So, if you’re interested in registering—or even if you’re just interested in learning more—your best bet is to put yourself on our free presale list.
Once you add your name, we’ll send you more info. Plus, being on the list gives you the chance to register 24 hours before the general public.

Excited about what’s possible?

Here’s a little more inspiration from some previous clients. SIGN UP while there are spots available here. 

Overstressed and overeating: How to solve the two biggest health and fitness problems most women face.


End the family food fight: The surprising way to get your kids to (happily) eat healthier.